Ridge Gourd and Dhaincha Distribution
Farmer Field School (FFS)
“A farmer field school is a group-based learning process which is adopted by many NGOs as well as government to promote and transfer of technology among farmers. The objective behind forming of FFS is promotion of Improved Agriculture Practices in the rural areas where farming is largely dependent to contribute a portion of household income. A farmer field school also initiates different methods and concepts for community development. These schools largely promote judicial and economically viable use of available resources and bring sustainability in the production. FFS comprises of 1 lead farmer and 24 student farmers. Training like seed selection, germination test, line sowing while transplanting paddy into main field, information on recommended dose of fertilizer for both for paddy and vegetables for both Kharif and Rabi season are provided to the farmers”.
- Ridge Gourd and Dhaincha Distribution
Distribution of Ridge Gourd seeds of Aneeta Variety was done for 60 Bigha in the month of January. Prior to the distribution, training on crop development were conducted at village level, where package of practices starting from the nursery bed preparation was demonstrated. Total of 24 ridge gourd demo plots were developed post crop development training, conducted at village level. Along with this, distribution and awareness on Dhaincha seeds (green manuring) were given.