RGVN Conducts Capacity Building Program for Silonijan Biodiversity Management Committee
RGVN recently conducted a capacity building program for the Silonijan Biodiversity Management Committee (BMC) in Karbi Anglong district, Assam. This initiative is part of a larger project to strengthen BMCs and address knowledge gaps on tradable bio-resources and associated traditional knowledge held by local communities.

The program is part of the Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) project under the Assam Biodiversity Fund (ABFBC). Co-funded by the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Assam government, the project aims to enhance ABS guidelines, strengthen BMCs for implementing the Biodiversity Act, and raise awareness about sustainable biodiversity use and fair benefit sharing from bio-resources in 50 BMC areas across Assam.
A market survey was also conducted in the Silonijan area to compile a comprehensive database of traders and users of bioresources covered under ABS regulations. This data will be crucial for implementing the ABS framework and ensuring equitable benefit sharing.
The project further involves developing Biodiversity Management Plans (BMPs) with each participating BMC. These community-based action plans will identify, protect, and manage local biodiversity, including tradable bioresources. This participatory approach to conservation will empower local communities and ensure the sustainable use of Assam’s rich biodiversity.