RGVN celebrates 70 years of independence – NEW INDIA PLEDGE RALLY by CMMU-Guwahati / DAY-NULM- ASULMS in collaboration with RGVN
RGVN in collaboration with CMMU, Guwahati City, has mobilized 19 rallies across the city in different locations of 19 Wards to commemorate the celebration of Indian Independence Day on 15th of August 2017 starting from 9:30 AM to 2:00PM. The SHGs/ ALFs of Guwahati took out the “ New India Pledge’’ rally with active participation from RGVN staffs and CMMU staffs, Guwahati and Guwahati Municipality Corporation led by Ms Monalisha Goswami, IAS, Commissioner , GMC and Assistant Commissioner , GMC and with active, earnest, dynamic patronage of Dr Jeevan B., IAS, SMD,ASULMS. The SHGs/ALFs are promoted by RGVN as part of the SM and ID component of DAY-NULM. The vibrant CBOs took part actively to spread the New India Pledge for achieving the target of New India Movement 2017-2022. Six pledges were taken: Dirt Free India, Poverty free India, Communalism Free India, Casteism Free India, Terrorism Free India and Corruption Free India.
Rashtriya Gramin Vikas Nidhi (RGVN), a Non-Government Organization working towards upliftment of the poor and disadvantaged section of the society through economic empowerment since 1990, is a partner Resource Organization for Social Mobilization and Institution Development for DAY-NULM ((Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission) with ASULMS (Assam State Urban Livelihoods Mission Society), Govt of Assam. RGVN joins the greater mission of ASULMS to mobilize the women of urban poor households into Community Based Institutions of 3 tired structures of women SHGs/ALF( Area Level Federations)/ CLF ( City Level Federations). These CBOs will be institutionalized as a Thrift and Credit Cooperatives under Assam Cooperative Societies Act. RGVN has already registered 85 women Thrift and Credit Cooperatives covering 25 City Centers of Assam.