RGVN – APF (Azim Premji Foundation) Project – Animal Health Awareness Camp
22 Animal Health Awareness Camp was organized in Bhurbhanda Block of Morigaon District recently during no cost extension phase. Some photos are shared for the post.
The main objective of the camp was to make farmers aware of animal health and to provide necessary treatment to their livestock, also to improve the animal health sector by way of implementation of prophylactic vaccination programmes against various diseases of livestock and poultry, capacity building, disease surveillance and strengthening of veterinary infrastructure.
Importance of Animal Health Camps
*To provide basic information about important aspects of different veterinary animals.
*To provide information on health, nutrition, breeding, feeding, management, insurance aspects to the farmers.
*To provide information about control and prevention of important livestock diseases.
*To administer preventive inoculation and other measures to the veterinary animals.
*To provide free veterinary health check-up facilities and free distribution of veterinary medicines to the animals of the farmers.