• 09435118871
  • rgvn@rgvn.org


Fig. Mini Orchard with inter-cropping

Fig. Adopting Potato as a special crop

Fig. Promotion of Azola for animal feed

Project Period: January, 2016 – September, 2020

Project funded by: Karl Kubel Stiftung (KKS) and Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany

About the project:

“Introduction of an Innovative Self Sustaining Service Provision System for Transfer of Agricultural Technology and Market Development of Farming Communities”- RGVN is implementing an agriculture livelihood project in five contiguous villages of Morigaon district, Assam, which is recognized as one of the country’s most backward districts ranked as 250 out of a total of 640 districts.


  • Technology Transfer
  • Marketing Extension
  • Institution Building
  • Disaster Preparedness

Project Activities: 

RGVN has completed 2 years of project implementation and have been able to achieve the following till now:

  • 750 smallholder farmers organized into 75 producer groups.
  • 1 Local Service Provider (LSP) Association developed and already registered under Societies Registration Act
  • 80 goatery, 33 piggery and 200 poultry units developed with adoption of better rearing practices.
  • 750 vegetable production units of farmers, 200 kitchen gardens developed SRI practices promoted and adopted by 600 farm families
  • 750 households planted fruit trees and 300 households have set up low cost vermin compost and vermin wash units in their homestead, out of which 150 households have started production. Plan to set up such low cost units 750 households.
  • 300 households have set up low cost vermin compost and vermin wash units in their homestead, out of which 150 households have started production. Plan to set up such low cost units 750 households.
  • Producer Group Network are beginning to collect and sell their excess production in Guwahati Farmers Market called Biponan Khetra at Six Mile.
  • For the purpose of aggregation and quality check – there is a plan for organic certification.
  • Area being flood prone, disaster infrastructures – like 20 raised hand pumps installed; 5 raised granaries and 1 livestock platform constructed.