RGVN -NER entered into an agreement with ASULMS for implementation of Social Mobilization and Institutional Development component. The main objectives are of the project are:
*To organize the urban poor households under structured institutions.
* To link up these Institutions of urban poor households with local Self Governments, Public Service Providers, Banks, Private Sector and other mainstream institutions to facilitate delivery of social and economic services to the poor households so that their living conditions are improved in effective and sustainable manner. RGVN was entrusted with a target setting of 3500 SHGS (both existing and new) covering 25 City Centers of Assam. RGVN has achieved target of 2417 numbers of urban women SHGs and 946 new SHGs. 198 No of Area Level Federation of Urban women SHGS were promoted and 2469 women SHGS were brought under the institutional framework. 687 batches of Training Module 1 (Organizational Management) were conducted covering 3435 women in entire Assam.
Some of the achievements can be summed up as streamlining the SHGs into an organized structure of Federations and Formation of ALF; mobilizing the SHGs into federated institutional structure; inculcating savings behavior and following these five principles: Group meetings – systematic, regular, disciplined and punctual; SHGs who could perform are retained and non-performing SHGS are being re-grouped through motivation; house to house visits; mobilize the SHGs to work as a group and engage them in productive livelihoods activities.